Alex Stewart Roofing


Look no further if you want the best, here we are!

Leaky Roof

Alex Stewarts Roofing experts will research the reason for the issue and make the vital repairs to keep your home or business completely ensured

Roof Repairs

It is vital that rooftop repairs be tended to in a convenient way. Fail to make important repairs to your material could prompt expensive harms to something other than your rooftop.

Roof Coating

We have the skill and trustworthiness that you are searching for in New York. We offer the most expert and moderately priced private and business roofing installation in New York City.


Stopped up gutters will keep your drain from working correctly. Water will then accumulate and could make additionally harm your rooftop. Alex Stewart Roofing performs drain cleaning services in New York City 


Specialists In Modern Roofing Techniques

Roofing is a difficult task and one that must be finished with accuracy so as to guarantee a protected, enduring development.

The methods and strategies required in roofing tasks are time tried and genuinely perpetual now, yet they have advanced significantly after some time.


Construction Services

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Great Services

Customer service is an opportunity to exceed your customer’s expectations.

Highest Standards

The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves.

Professional Team

I have always found that the speed of the boss is the speed of the team.

Creative Solutions

We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.

Our Core Values

Alex Stewart Roofing  prides themselves on their excellent customer support Alex Stewart likes to treat all customers like family!

Planning Application

Completed Projects

Trained Professionals

International Offices


Featured Projects


“Many novice real estate investors soon quit the profession and invest. When you invest in real estate, you often see a side of humanity that stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and saving money shelter you from.”


Perfect Team Members

Alex Stewart

Roofing Director

Alex is the founder of Alex Stewart Roofing he is the 3rd generation roofer and painter in his family. He treats everyone like family and has made this a family business for his and following generations to follow. He will be there whenever you need him and prides himself on his reviews and customers happiness.

Charles Stewart

Creative Director

Charles, Alex’s son is now the 4th generation of roofers and painters in the family. He is following in his father’s footsteps and keeping his vision alive. Charles is bringing the new age and the past ways together to be able to create better methods and newer, faster ways to bring Alex Stewart Roofing to the top!

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